
Singular homology can be very hard to compute directly. Therefore, it is sometimes nice to β€œignore” some parts of the topological space and make them trivial in some homology that is related. Relative homology is just that. It is the homology that comes from quotienting out the part of the homology that comes from a subspace

Relative homology definition

Given a pair , we have

Therefore, we define the singular chains as

For the boundary map, we can use the universal property of quotient groups

Thus, is the relative singular chain complex.

is the relative homology of .

Chain maps

Note that since , we get chain map

Similarly, since we have the quotient map between complexes, we get the chain map

Next, we want to construct a new map

Let . We can then pick a representative . This is itself an equivalence class, so pick which represents .

We know that , then

Thus, we define

\sigma is well defined


Relation to singular homology

There is a exact sequence


