exterior power
The exterior power of a vector space is closely related to the tensor product.
We can think of them as antisymmetric tensors.
The exterior power of a vector space over a field is a -vector space and an antisymmetric multi-linear map
that satisfies the following universal property:
For every -vector space , and an antisymmetric multi-linear map
there exists a unique linear (NOT MULTI-LINEAR) map such that this diagram commutes:
Notation: we denote
Explicit construction
Using the tensor product (with its explicit construction) we can build the wedge product. Note is a multi-linear map, so by the universal property of the tensor product, there exists a linear map such that
is surjective, and
Therefore, by the first isomorphism theorem
Other identifications
multi-linear maps from dual
We can identify the exterior product with the vector-space of all multi-linear maps
This looks like
Alternative constructions/ definitions
We can define this using the free vector space just like the tensor product just using a different quotienting set.
todo add more here about how to construct it.