Consider for . Let be a bilinear form defined as
The subgroup that preserves this bilinear form (as opposed to the dot product that is preserved by the orthogonal group) such that is called the generalized orthogonal group.
The subgroup with determinant 1 is called the special generalized orthogonal group.
Another way to identify the generalized orthogonal group is with the matrices such that for the matrix
& \ddots &&&& \\ &&1&&&\\ &&&-1&&\\ &&&&\ddots&\\ &&&&&-1 \end{bmatrix}$$ Where the first $n$ entries along the diagonal are 1 and the remaining $k$ are $-1$. # Lie group structure We can show that $\text{O}(n;k)$ is a closed subgroup since if $A \in \text{O}(n;k)$ then it must satisfy the following equations:\begin{align*} [A_{-,j}, A_{-,l}]{n,k} &= 0 \qquad j\neq l\ [A{-,j}, A_{-,l}]{n,k} &= 1 \qquad 1 \leq j \leq n\ [A{-,j}, A_{-,l}]_{n,k} &= -1 \qquad n+1 \leq j \leq n + k \end{align*}
These equations are polynomials in the entries of $A$, so looking at the inverse image of the closed set defined above give the (closed) subgroup $\text{O}(n;k)$. Clearly, $\text{SO}(n;k)$ will also be closed. Therefore, by the [[202406170727|closed subgroup theorem]], both are [[202405061454|Lie groups]]. ## Lie algebra $\mathfrak{so}(n;k)$ Let $\mathfrak{so}(n;k)$ be the [[202405062209|Lie algebra]] of $\text{O}(n;k)$ and $\text{SO}(n;k)$. $$ \mathfrak{so}(n;k) = \{X \in \text{Mat}_{n + k \times n+k}(\mathbb{R}) \ | \ gX^{T}g = -X\}$$