The math is not the territory: navigating the free energy principle
authors: Mel Andrews year: 2021 See in Zotero
Literature Notes
The term “free energy principle” (FEP) is getting misused and contributing to reification of models.
Models come with a structure and construal. Structure - actual math + math system that is involved Construal - interpretation about what the math means
Models Real world analogy literal meaning Model framework A theory - its a formalism to talk about a theory
The history of the FEP comes from scientists talking about physical properties, then to analogies of statistics that act like physical properties, to eventually biological/ systems using the statistics (that acted like physical properties).
Critics say that there is no reason we should simply accept that the FEP is what a system does, or that it doesn’t “represent” what is actually going on. Andrews argues this is a feature not a bug. Math is itself meaningless unless you attach it to an interpretation.
Scientists need to be careful to
- Refer to the model as a “FEP model” and not the real world
- Separate what the model says from knowledge of the real world - a model must be validated to match predictions to experimental evidence.