
Let be an algebraically closed field. Then every maximal ideal (ring theory) of the polynomial ring is of the form


Let be a maximal ideal and denote as for the remainder of the proof. We can construct the residue field which is finitely generated as a -algebra (since by repetition of Hilbert Basis Theorem the is Noetherian ring so is finitely generated, thus the quotient is finitely generated).

Therefore, by Zariski’s Lemma, is finite, and thus algebraic.

is algebraically closed and is algebraic, so .

Let be the image of under the homomorphism

Therefore , and since is maximal, they are equal.


Let be a collection of polynomial functions on with no common zeros. Then the .


Assume by contradiction we have . Then by Zorn’s lemma for some maximal ideal .

By the theorem above, . Therefore, for all . This is common zero and thus a contradiction.