such that if
such that
is the identity map and
Sheaves with other categories
We can build sheaves with other objects than just algebras. For example, there can be sheaves of rings, modules, etc…
A sheaf is a pre-sheaf such that if
then there exists a unique
This is sometimes known as the “glueing property”.
Sheaves are objects that “glue” nicely, so it is ok to describe them locally since we can always glue them together to get the unique global object that restricts to the local version. This is especially nice when describing things globally is hard (for example on a manifold where coordinates are only defined locally.)
For a topological space:
- The continuous functions
are a sheaf - Bounded continuous functions
are a pre-sheaf, not a sheaf - skyscraper sheaf
For a (smooth) manifold
is a sheaf (not it does NOT glue for closed sets, but it does for open ones.)- Constant functions is a pre-sheaf not a sheaf
- Locally constant functions is a sheaf
- Smooth vector fields,
is a sheaf - Differential k-forms,
is a sheaf
Categorical definition
- Objects: open sets of
- Morphisms: inclusions at open sets
For a category
that is we get the following diagram
Sheaves defined on topological basis
For a topological space
Suppose given
with coherent restriction maps (i.e. is a pre-sheaf), then we may define for
is the data of morphisms
such that for
Pushforward of continuous map
This is a pre-sheaf since the restrictions work well with inverse image by set-theory arguments.
This is a sheaf since for
then since
So the pushforward of a sheaf is always a sheaf.