š§ š Mitch's Mind Tangle
Dark mode
Light mode
cone over space
frontier condition
locally finite decomposition
orbit type stratification
principal orbit type theorem
stratified symplectic space
stratified topological space
cotangent lift
de Rham cohomology
de Rham theorem
integral of differential form
Stokes theorem
symplectic volume
tautological form
ACE simulation with subjective prices
Carry charge hedge
OHMC with Approx Bayesian Comp
Pure risk avoidance hedging
Risk neutral density
Stacked synthetic storage strategy
Subjective asset pricing
subjective distribution
Subjective OHMC
synthetic refining strategy
Synthetic storage strategy
Austrian economics
choice architecture active inference
communication system advances human knowlege
dynamic choice set
Efficient Market Hypothesis
entrepreneurship adoption and state space
entrepreneurship and active inference
models and knowledge
Neoclassical Equilibrium
Problems with utility based choice models
Society members as observations
10: The Market Order or Catallaxy
A step-by-step tutorial on active inference and its application to empirical data
Active inference and agency: optimal control without cost functions
Active inference: The free energy principle in mind, brain, and behavior
Algebra: Chapter 0
Algebraic topology
An introduction to Bayesian network theory and usage
An Introduction to the Bootstrap
Analysis of integrated and cointegrated time series with R
Bayesian Model Comparison and Validation
Bayesian networks: An introduction
Bayesian Specification Analysis in Econometrics
Bayesianly Justifiable and Relevant Frequency Calculations for the Applied Statistician
Chapter 2: The Low Road to Active Inference
De Finetti was Right: Probability Does Not Exist
Economics and knowledge
Entrepreneurship and economic growth: The theory of emergent institutions.
Foundations of mechanics
GelfandāCetlin abelianizations of symplectic quotients
Hedge your monte carlo
Hedging in the theory of corporate finance: A reply to our critics
How to take smart notes: One simple technique to boost writing, learning and thinking
Insurance: Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Introduction to Modern Bayesian Econometrics
Introduction to smooth manifolds
Introduction to symplectic topology
Keynote: Dr. Stephen Wolfram
Lack of confidence in approximate Bayesian computation model choice
Learning, estimation, and the stability of rational expectations
Lectures on poisson geometry
Lectures on symplectic geometry
Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis
Measure, integration & real analysis
Nudge: The final edition
Numbers as a cognitive and social technology: on the nature of conventional number sequences used in economic systems
On Discriminative vs. Generative Classifiers: A comparison of logistic regression and naive Bayes
Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Applications
Representations of compact lie groups
Retrospect and Prospect
Riemannian geometry
Risk transfer: derivatives in theory and practice
Stratified symplectic spaces and reduction
Symposium on current views of subjective probability: Subjective probability as the measure of a non-measurable set
The local structure of Poisson manifolds
The math is not the territory: navigating the free energy principle
Topics in differential geometry
Value at Risk: Uses and Abuses
What Should Economists Do?
(local) coframe
(local) frame
$\sigma$-algebra closed under countable intersection
1-parameter subgroup
abelian group
action of fundamental group on cover
action-angle coordinates
adjoint representation of Lie algebra
adjoint representation of Lie group
affine algebraic group
affine algebraic variety
algebra homomorphism
algebra ideal
algebraic geometry
algebraic structures
algebraic topology
algebraically closed field
annihilator of vector space
approximation by simple functions
associative algebra
basis for exterior product
basis for tangent space of manifold
Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem
Borel $\sigma$ algebra
Borel measurable function
boundary of chain complex
boundary of set
bounded convergence theorem
Cartan's magic formula
category theory
chain complex
chain homotopy
chain map
classical analysis
closed subgroup theorem
closure of set
cofinite topology
coisotropic subspace
commuting vector fields
compact space
complete vector field
completely integrable system
continuity with limsup
continuous functions and basis
continuous map
cotangent bundle
cotangent space
covering space
cumulative distribution function
cycle of chain complex
Darboux thoerem
De Morgan's law
defining map
deformation retract
density function
differences between Riemann and Lebesgue integral
differential form
differential geometry
direct product (groups)
Directed acyclic graph (DAG)
Dirichlet function
discrete topology
distribution of random variable
division ring
domain (algebra)
domain (ring theory)
dominated convergence theorem
dual basis
dual space
effective action
Egorov's Theorem
embedded submanifold
equivalent categories
equivariant map
equivariant map
essentially surjective
Euclidean topology
exact sequence
excision theorem
expected value
exponential map
exterior algebra
exterior derivative
exterior power
faithful functor
fiber bundle
finite complement topology
finitely generated algebra
first isomorphism theorem
free group
free group action
free product (groups)
Frobenius theorem
full functor
fundamental group
Fundamental Theoreom on Flows
fundamental vector fields
general linear group
generalized orthogonal group
graded abelian group
graded algebra
group action
group homomorphism
group representation
Group theory
Hamiltonian action
Hamiltonian G-space
Hamiltonian torus actions and integrable systems
Hamiltonian vector field
Hausdorff space
Hilbert Basis Theorem
homogeneous space
homotopy equivalence
homotopy group
Hurewicz theorem
ideal (ring theory)
Implicit function theorem
independence (probability)
induced measure
induced subgroup from cover
infinitesimal generator
integral curve
integral leaks
integral manifold
interior of set
interior product
invariant function
invariant subset
Inverse function theorem
involutive distribution
irreducible representation
isotropic subspace
Kolmogorov's 0-1 law
Lagrangian subspace
Lebesgue integrability
Lebesgue integral
Lebesgue measurable
Lebesgue measure
Lebesgue number lemma
left-invariant vector field
level set
Lie algebra
Lie algebra action
Lie algebra of a Lie group
Lie algebra representation
Lie bracket
Lie derivative
Lie group
Lie group representation
Lie theory
Lie's third theorem
lifting criterion for continuous maps
linear algebra
linear symplectomorphism
locally free
lower Lebesgue sum
lower limit topology
Luzin's Theorem
Marsden-Weinstein symplectic reduction theorem
matrix exponential
matrix Lie algebra
maximal ideal
maximal smooth atlas
Mayer-Vietoris Theorem
measure space
Measure theory
measureable function
metric topology
module over ring
moment map
Monotone Convergence Theorem
monotone convergence theorem (integral version)
multi-vector fields
multiplicity of representation
natural transformation
nested interval theorem
not Lebesgue integrable function
not Riemann integrable function
open map
orbit space
orbits as submanifolds
orthogonal group
outer measure
path lifting lemma
Poincare lemma
Poisson algebra
Poisson bracket
Poisson bracket on symplectic manifold
Poisson commute
Poisson manifold
Poisson map
presentation of a group
prime ideal
principal bundle
probability space
Probability theory
proper map
quotient group
quotient manifold theorem
quotient map
quotient topology
radical of an ideal
random variable
rank of smooth map
reduced homology
reduced ring
regular cover
regular distribution
regular value
regular value theorem
related vector fields
relative singular homology
representation theory
Riemann integrability
Riemann integral
Riemann lower/ upper sum
Schouten bracket
Schur's Lemma
second countable
Seifert-Van Kampen Theorem
semilocally simply connected
simple function
simple graph
simply connected space
singular distribution
singular homology
singular point
singular value
slice chart
smallest $\sigma$-algebra
smooth embedding
smooth function
smooth manifold
smooth map
space of all vector fields
special linear group
subspace topology
symplectic action
symplectic complement
symplectic geometry
symplectic group
symplectic leaf
symplectic manifold
symplectic vector field
symplectic vector space
symplectic vector subspace
tail field
tangent bundle
tangent space
tensor coordinate matrix
tensor field
tensor rank
topological basis
topological embedding
topological group
topological manifold
topological pair
topology generated by basis
torus (topology)
transitive group action
unitary group
universal cover
universal cover criterion
vanishing locus
vector bundle
vector field
vector space
vector space as an affine variety
velocity vector of curve
Vitali set
Weak product (group)
Weinstein splitting theorem
Zariski topology
MATH 6130
affine connection
Christoffel symbol
conformal metric
induced Riemannian metric
inner product
Levi-Civita connection
partition of unity
Ricci curvature tensor
Riemann curvature
Riemannian metric
scalar curvature
sectional curvature
smooth bump function
stereographic projection
symmetric power
torsion of affine connection
MATH 6380
(left) resolution of R-module
algebra of invariants
annihilator of module
categorical quotient
Cayley-Hamilton theorem
characteristic polynomial
cyclic module
direct sum
exact complex
extension module
field of fractions
flat R-module
free R-module
free resolution
generated submodule
graded ring
group ring
Hilbert's finiteness theorem
homotopy equivalent complexes
Jacobson radical
Jordan canonical form
local ring
localization at a prime ideal
localization of a module
localization of a ring
long exact sequence of homology
maximal spectrum
minimal polynomial
multiplicative subset
Nakayama's Lemma
Noetherian R-module
Noetherian ring
PID modules
polynomial ring
principal ideal domain
projective R-module
projective resolution
quotient ring
rational canonical form
short exact sequence
simple module
tensor product
Tor group
torsion (module theory)
vector space as a k-module
MATH 6390
affine scheme
algebraic closure
algebraic extension
algebraic numbers
coordinate ring
degree of extension
equivalence of reduced algebras and affine sets
field characteristic
field extension
finitely generated extension
inverse limit
module on sheaf
nilradical of ring
opposite category
partially ordered set
prime spectrum
prime subfield
ringed space
simple field extension
skyscraper sheaf
weak Nullstellensatz
Zariski's Lemma
Zorn's lemma
MATH 6910
Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
tensor algebra
universal enveloping algebra
2 model posterior odds
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC)
Bayes Factor
Bayes net criteria
Bayesian interval and non-measureable
Bayesian network
Bayesian network joint probability
Bayesian prediction algorithm
Bayesian Specification Test
Bayesian statistics
Bayesian surprise
Honesty of Bayesian inference
Likelihood ratio - frequentist
Likelihood ratio vs. Bayes factor
MC and BN
Posterior odds on a model
Posterior prediction vs. parametric bootstrap
Posterior Predictive Distribution
Predictive distribution
Simulating distribution
Simulating sample predictions from test data
Time series
AR time series model
ARMA time series models
detrending series
integrated process
MA time series
Mean reversion
Second Order Stationary
stability of VAR model
Stationary time series
Trend-stationary process
VAR model
VAR model
VECM - time series
active inference in behavioral economics
conditional independence
Convergence of stationary MC
Criticisms of MLE
Discriminative model
expected free energy
generative model
graph of HMM
Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
Markov chain
Markov chain matrix
Markov property
Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)
Monte Carlo Markov chain
Parametric Bootstrap
Probabilistic Graphical Model (PGM)
rejection sampling
Stationary MC distribution
surprise (statistical)
variational free energy
Connection is crucial
reading as a process
MATH 6910
Folder: MATH-6910
5 items under this folder.
Mar 07, 2025
Mar 07, 2025
Mar 07, 2025
Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem
Mar 07, 2025
universal enveloping algebra
Mar 07, 2025
tensor algebra