
Given a set for an R-module , the submodule of generated by (denoted ) is the smallest submodule that contains all points of . More concretely, this is the submodule

We say is finitely generated if for some finite set .

Relation to free modules

A module is generated by if and only if there exists a surjective module homomorphism

where denotes the free R-module on .

In particular, is finitely generated if and only if there is a surjective module homomorphism


If there exists the surjective module homomorphism , then by the universal property of free R-modules, the free module is determined by the set map .

Then, the image of is , so since the map is surjective .

The other way is even easier. If is generated by then the map will get to everything in by definition, so the map is surjective.


For finitely generated, we can take to be determined by sending to the elements that are the generators.

This mean that every finitely generated -module is a quotient of free -modules.

Submodules of finitely generated modules

Submodules of finitely generated modules do not need to be finitely generated. (This is fixed by the definition of Noetherian R-module.)

For example, consider . This is not a finitely generated ring, but as a free module it is finitely generated (by the element ). However, the submodule is not finitely generated.

To prove this, assume is finitely generated by generators . Since these are finitely generated is only depends on finitely many variants . Since are generators then

However, if we set in this expression then we get since has no constant term so they will all be 0. This is a contradiction since can’t be 0.