Let be a topological space with an open cover . A paritition of unity subordinate to is a family of continuous functions
with the following properties:
for all and all .
for each . (Outside the open set , the function is 0).
is locally finite. (Each point in has a neighborhood that intersects with finitely many non-zero non-zero.)
for all .
Smooth partition of unity
If is a smooth manifold, then each of the functions must be smooth.
Why care?
Partitions of unity give a good way to “glue” structures together on smooth manifolds. Since then “multiplying” by a structure will allow us to (informally) spread it around open sets but ensure that it won’t be changed on the open set that it is defined on.
Partitions of unity exist
Given an open cover of a smooth manifold , there exists a partition of unity subordinate to .
Since a smooth manifold is paracompact, we can find a locally finite countable refinement of coordinate balls.
Let , then we can take the coordinate neighborhood . Then chose a bump function which is on a ball and 0 outside . This can be extended to the entire manifold by making it 0 everywhere for every other point. Since is locally finite, then there are only finitely many non-zero terms coming from neighborhoods of .
Therefore, we can know that the sum
is finite and must be positive.
Then for each we can take the function build from the above steps to be
for .
These functions make the partition of unity.